Schedule - Tuesday
Public Speaking
Cringe Breaker
Tactical advices
  • Think "up"
  • Stay in character
  • Finish strong
Accessing different emotional states.

Speak of the topic for about a minute.
Don't overthink it, speak nonsense if you have to.

During your speech, you must increase or decrease the intensivity of your serve according to numbers you'll see on the screen.

The baseline is 5 — which is your natural relaxed speaking voice.
It can raise up to 10, or decrease to 1.

There is a card with "Take a breath", which means you must stop speaking for a moment and literally take a breath in.
Triple Step
Staying focused amidst distractions.

You will be given a topic to speak about.
Don't overthink it, speak nonsense if you have to.

During your speech, you must integratre the words you'll see on the screen as seamlessly as you can.
There will be 5 words, and you'll have about 5-8 seconds to include them.
Conviction Prompts
Building executive presence.

Speak of the topic for about a minute.
Don't overthink it, speak nonsense if you have to.

During your speech, whenever you see a new prompt — you must start your next sentence with a given prompt.

There will be a total of 5 prompts.
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